IASTE Mission
Traditional dwellings and settlements accommodate most of the world’s population. In recent years, interest in such environments has become widespread among scholars working within the disciplines of architecture, anthropology, art history, geography, history, planning, folklore, and many others. The International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) was established at the First International Symposium on Traditional Dwellings and Settlements held at Berkeley in April 1988 to act as an interdisciplinary forum where scholars from various disciplines and countries can exchange ideas, discuss methods and approaches, and share findings. In contrast to disciplinary societies concerned with the advancement of particular disciplines, IASTE is more interested in the comparative, cross-cultural, and inter-disciplinary understanding of traditional dwellings and settlements as an expression of cultural conventions.
IASTE views tradition not as the static legacy of the past, but rather as a dynamic project for the reinterpretation of the past in light of the present. IASTE’s purpose is to serve as an umbrella association for all scholars studying vernacular, indigenous, popular, informal, and traditional built environments.
In this capacity, IASTE has three main venues to fulfill its mission. First, it publishes a semi-annual, refereed journal, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review. It collaborates with a local university in diverse locations around the world to host a biennial international cross-disciplinary conference on selected themes. Third, IASTE hosts a visiting scholar program that attracts academics from around the world working on themes of tradition and the built environment.
IASTE Board of Directors
Mark Gillem, PhD, FAIA, FAICP, President, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
Montira Horayangura Unakul, Vice President, UNESCO, Bangkok, Thailand
Hesham Khairy Issa, PhD, International Associate-AIA, Secretary-General, Cairo University, Egypt
IASTE Advisory Council
Heba Ahmed, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Howayda al-Harithy, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Mohammad al-Jassar, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Anne Marie Broudehoux, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada
Cecilia Chu, The University of Hong Kong
Mui Ho, Berkeley, USA
Chee-Kien Lai, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Ipek Tureli, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Tiago Castela, University of Coimbra
Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem. University of York
Ho Puay Peng, National University of Singapore
Hamad Nasser Alsaiari, King Saud University
IASTE Advisors
Yael Allweil, Technion/IIT, Haifa, Israel
Joe Aranha, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA
Vandana Baweja, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Dalila Elkerdany, Cairo University, Egypt
Joseph Godlewski, Syracuse University, USA
Clara Irazábal, Columbia University, New York, USA
Hasan-Udin Khan, Roger Williams University, Bristol, USA
Raymond Lifchez, University Of California, Berkeley, USA
Laurence Keith Loftin, University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Daniel Maudlin, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
Adnan Morshed, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA
Robert Mugerauer, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Nasser Rabbat, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Tanu Sankalia, University of San Francisco, USA
Gunawan Tjahjono, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
IASTE Founders
Nezar AlSayyad, University of California, Berkeley, USA, Founder & Past President
Jean-Paul Bourdier, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A, Co-founder
Editor in Chief and Founder: Nezar AlSayyad
Managing Editor: David Moffat
TDSR Editorial Board
Howayda Al-Harithy, American University of Beirut,Lebanon;
Flavia Brito do-Nascimento, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil;
Jeffrey Cody, The Getty, Los Angeles, USA,
Andrzej Piotrowski, University of Minnesota, USA.
TDSR Editorial Advisors
Khaled Adham, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
Ahmed el-Kholei, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain
Duanfang Lu, University of Sydney, Australia
Mike Robinson, University of Birmingham, UK
Ipek Tureli, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Paul Memmot, The University of Queensland, Australia
Daniel Maudlin, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
Dell Upton, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Marcel Vellinga, Oxford Brookes University, UK
207 East 5th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: +1.541.712.7832
Email: coordinator@iaste.org
TDSR Editorial Office
David Moffat, Managing Editor
2512 Ninth St. #8, Berkeley, CA 94710
Tel.: 510.816.0195, Fax: 510.486.0445
Email: david@iaste.org